Contact me at, (385)-295-2981

Suzanne Hyland

Council Member District 2

Common Sense. Common Ground.

A solution-oriented, consensus-building, experienced leader who will listen to you and work tirelessly to maintain Cottonwood Heights as an amazing place to live, work, and recreate.

Suzanne's Vision for Cottonwood Heights

Mountain Range Outline

Common sense growth

The secret’s out. Utah is a great place to live. Growth is our greatest challenge and we should be careful with the tradeoffs for projected population increases, especially with scarce vacant land available to develop.

I believe CH citizens should decide what tradeoffs should be made, not outside activists.

Medical Health Life Protection Icon - Health Safety Icon - Vector

Prioritize public


It’s smart and responsible to prioritize public safety by investing in and supporting law enforcement.

I also support compassionate care for mental health crises by asking the legislature for a trained Mental Health Officer in every municipality. Taking care of mental health serves our citizens and reduces overall costs through fewer calls for emergency services.

Business-friendly environment

Businesses contribute much needed services and tax revenue to thriving community.

Let’s take care of business and keep jobs in our community.

Growth Arrow Icon
Happy community icon

Culture, arts, and community events

Local community is the unspoken backbone of a good life.

I support community schools, parks, trails, arts, and events that bring us together.


Entrepreneur, business owner, international educator, and events planner

Fiscally conservative, transparent, and accountable. Extensive financial and budgeting skills. I will protect your tax dollars.

Education - BA in Economics, Executive MBA

CRITICAL SKILLS for good governance

  • Active listener – able to discern the message through the words, express points of agreement, and communicate consensus

  • Level-headed collaborator - willing to have difficult discussions to find common ground

  • Strategic – analyzes complex challenges, proposes options, and acts confidently

18-year Cottonwood Heights resident with a broad perspective of the factors that make a great community having previously lived in five states and 13 cities.

Recipient of the "Distinguished Service Award" from BYU's College of Life Sciences for establishing a mentoring program and developing the “She Is a Scientist” platform to encourage women in STEM careers

Community Emergency Response Team trained

Utah Republican State Central Committee, 2021-2023

About Me

I grew up in Arizona and fell in love with the four seasons of Utah as a young college student. Together with my spouse, Mark, we moved around the country raising three children before settling permanently in Cottonwood Heights in 2005. Our family’s motto, “Do good things with good people,” represents our commitment to serving the community while building strong relationships.

I’ve had a varied career, starting my first business in 2001, which is still active today. When not working, I can be found outside digging in the garden dirt, hiking in the canyons, skiing, or walking the neighborhood. Nature is a sanctuary. That’s why I will work to protect and preserve access to all the beautiful places in and around our city.

Important Issues

Building Icon

Hillside Plaza Redevelopment

This should be the gem of our city, designed with citizen input, as a balanced mixed-use community space including:

Commercial space and services, some residences to alleviate current housing shortages, a transit/mobility hub, and community space such as gardens and a senior community center.

Canyon Icon

The Gondola - LCC Transportation Plan

Let’s preserve our canyons and protect public funds.

The gondola is phase 3 of UDOT’s LCC plan and can be eliminated in many ways.

I am the candidate with a strategic plan who has the communication and leadership skills to see this through. I will work for phases 1 and 2 to sufficiently meet the canyon transportation goals so the gondola isn't needed. Through collaboration and common sense planning, this is absolutely achievable.

House Sale Outline

Housing affordability

Let's start by limiting the number of short-term rental properties. Every residence that's converted to a short-term rental takes away a home that a long-term resident could afford and occupy. Higher-density housing should be located close to transportation hubs and commercial areas where streets can handle the accompanying traffic.

House Insurance

Property Rights

Pride in homeownership creates stable and beautiful neighborhoods. Let's apply smart zoning and reduce the red tape for owners to maintain and improve their homes.

Personal property rights should be safeguarded and preserved.


“As Mayor of Cottonwood Heights, I have had the opportunity to get to know Suzanne Hyland and I have been so impressed with her candidacy. We need her leadership and fiscal responsibility to continue moving forward in Cottonwood Heights and I am thrilled to offer my endorsement for District 2 City Council.”

Mike Weichers, Mayor of Cottonwood Heights

Kelvyn Cullimore Jr.

Former Mayor of Cottonwood Heights

Candice Pierucci

Utah State Representative District 49

Derek Brown

Former Utah State Representative

“Suzanne Hyland is already making a positive impact at city council meetings.

She is two-for-two with public comments that influenced decisions made in September meetings this year.

Imagine what she will do once elected and not limited to just three minutes!

She is smart, well-spoken, and comes from a place of true public service. Her desire to keep Cottonwood Heights the great place it is is genuine. Unlike others in this election cycle, her position and platform are truly non-partisan.


--Scott Bracken, Cottonwood Heights City Council Member



Connect with Me

Phone Number

(385) 285-2981

Email Address

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Suzanne Hyland for Cottonwood Heights City Council District 2 | All Rights Reserved 2023 | Paid for by Suzanne For City Council